Cashflow Control
This application is used to monitor and optimize the cash flow used for paying various social rights to romanian citizens. The application includes importing information from other databases using api services, monitoring the differencies between the cash amount scheduled and the cash amount paid each day and many filtered reports.
This application includes features such as:
- Management of social categories and the payment schedule for each category, every month
- Setting the scheduled cash amount to be paid every day (importing information from another database)
- Establishing the cash amount paid each day and indicating the differencies, with the possibility to justify these differencies
- Viewing and managing the cash flow moved between offices and between branches
- Various reports such as: daily scheduled cash report with filters by office/county/month, etc; cash flow report based on settlement accounts; a general monthly report with pointing on differencies in order to set penalties for the offices that exceed a set daily difference, etc.
- Users management, with four levels of user rights, and user activity log
I developed this application in PHP + CodeIgniter and Informix as database engine. I used the OOP and MVC architectures, along with Ajax, jQuery and DataTables for the frontend.
This application is developed for a large company, which owns the copyright.
This application is used to calculate and manage employee incentives in a large company, as well as exporting these bonuses to the payroll program. There are several types of incentives managed by this application, each with its own calculation rules. The following incentives are managed here: incentives for delivering postal parcels, for selling vignettes in post offices, for selling books and other things in post offices, for reading electricity meters, for collecting money orders, etc.
This application includes features such as:
- Importing information from other platforms by uploading and validating csv files
- Performing calculations of all incentives, depending on the type of bonus
- Managing the incentives with the possibility of making corrections (add new bonus, modifiy a bonus, delete a bonus, add comments, etc)
- Exporting all incentives to the Payroll platform, including re-exporting after corrections
- Checking the payroll platform if the bonus record was included in the monthly payment
- All types of reports related to this incentives
- Users management and activity logs
I developed this application in PHP + CodeIgniter and Informix as database engine. I used the OOP and MVC architectures, along with Ajax, jQuery and DataTables for the frontend.
This application is developed for a large company, which owns the copyright.
The Vignette application is used to collect road tolls (romanian vignettes) in post offices. The application allows to collect road tolls with cash, by credit card or with a previously paid payment order. The application issues the documents for the vignette as well as the invoice and receipt.
This application includes features such as:
- Retrieving vehicle information and its vignette history from the Road Authority (CNAIR), using a SOAP XML service
- Filling in information about the customer, about the vehicle and choosing the type of vignette and the date of issue
- Managing the payment methods for this fee (cash, credit card, payment order, or payment order + cash)
- Generating the document preceding the payment (for verification) then the document proving the issuance of the vignette for both the client and the issuer
- Generating the payment invoice and receipt, in pdf format, and exporting this payment to the company's eFactura platform
- Sending information about the new vignette to the Road Authority (CNAIR), using a SOAP XML service
- Possibility to make corrections to the vignette (within a time limited to one hour) and send the corrections to the Road Authority (CNAIR), using a SOAP XML service
- Reports for issued vignettes and invoices, with specific filters
I worked on this application in a team of two programmers. This application is currently operating in 150 post offices, and its implementation is planned in over 800 post offices.
I developed this application in PHP + CodeIgniter and Informix for the database engine. I used the OOP and MVC architectures, together with Ajax, jQuery and DataTables for the frontend.
This application is developed for a large company, which owns the copyright.
Mijfix is an application for the management of fixed assets, in a large company. This application includes: operations with fixed assets, calculation of depreciation, accounting operations and reports.
I developed this application in PHP + CodeIgniter and Informix for the database engine. I used the OOP and MVC architectures, together with Ajax, jQuery, Bootstrap and DataTables for the frontend.
The main part is related to the management of fixed assets and the operations involved, such as:
- Input of new fixed assets including documents
- Internal transfers (between departments)
- Regional transfers (between branches)
- Outgoing of fixed assets (like cession, sale, restitution, missing at inventory, etc.)
- Improvements (with added value)
- Conservation
- Transfer to inventory
I also developed the module regarding calculation of depreciation, reversing the calculation, calculating the accounting notes and the monthly and yearly balance.
I implemented more than 20 reports, with filters, export in pdf format and printing.
This application is developed for a large company, which owns the copyright.
Various APIs
I have developed various APIs for a large company, using techniques such as restful api and json. Thus, I have developed APIs for retrieving information from certain internal databases and providing them to external applications, as well as retrieving information from external sources, validating this information and writing information to some databases.
Some of the APIs I have made would be:
- A collection of APIs related to providing information to an external platform about the payments related to bank mandates, invoice mandates, collection account and cash collection, as well as an API for writing aggregated information received from the external application, into the databases related to the accounting platform
- A collection of APIs for providing information about the customer and retrieving invoice information from an external application and writing the invoice into the company's billing platform
- A collection of APIs for the online government bond subscription program, developed by a large company together with state authorities.
- A series of SOAP XML services for communication with the Road Authority (CNAIR) related to the issuance of road vignettes
I developed this APIs in PHP + CodeIgniter and Informix for the database engine. I used the OOP and MVC architectures.
This APIs were developed for a large company, which owns the copyright.
Monitoring Decisions
This application is used for implementing and monitoring the actions of all departments regarding the decisions taken by the state institutions.
The application is developed in PHP + CodeIgniter and it uses Informix as database engine. I used the OOP and MVC architectures, together with Ajax, jQuery, Bootstrap and DataTables for the frontend.
This application includes features like:
- Input of large formatted text, by using an WYSIWYG HTML editor
- The management of the documents of every decision, measure, or action, including uploading files
- Seven types of users, each having his own access rights in the application.
- Generating PDF reports automatically, customizing these reports
- Admin user, who can act as any user and also he can enter the decisions from the past.
This application was developed for a large company, which owns the copyright.
Electric Meters
This application manages the readings of electric meters, acquired by over 800 agents in the field. The reading data is input via a mobile application and the backend application is responsible with processing the received information.
It is used mainly for the following operations:
- Importing information about the customers and electric meters, from the contractor,
- Assembly of the routes for the agents in the field
- Manually validate the information received from agents
- Exporting the processed information back to the contractor
I was part of a team of three programmers. My role was to develop the backend application: validation procedure of the received data, exporting the information to the XML file, the full management of the agents and validators, implementing many of the daily and monthly reports.
This application was developed mainly in PHP + CodeIgniter and Informix for the database engine. I was using OOP and MVC architectures, together with Ajax, jQuery, Bootstrap and DataTables.
This application is developed for a large company, which fully owns the copyright.
Documents and Procedures
This application allows the employees to have access to the company's procedures.
The procedures are organized based on the company's departments. For each department, the documents can be organized in folders, based on the subdivisions of that department. Several operators can manage these procedures, based on access rights.
The main operations that can be done by the operator are:
- Adding/deleting procedures,
- Creating/deleting folders,
- Moving procedures from a folder to another, or to other department
An admin user can manage the access rights of the operators and he/she can manage the departments, as well.
I fully developed this application in PHP + CodeIgniter. I used jQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax and DataTables for the frontend.
This application was developed for a large company, which owns the copyright.
Book-it-Easy is an application for the full management of the activity of a company that conducts private flights by airplane or by balloon. It has been made at the customer's request, for his own use and also to be sold to other companies. It provides all the tools necessary for this kind of business, such as ordering tickets and accessories, including discounts, full management of flights, booking tickets and confirm reservations, communication with the passengers using automatic email templates, various types of reports and prints. It includes separate login for every type of staff (admin, office, pilots, crew, sales agents) with separate access and activity log. It also includes a shopping cart and a booking page to be integrated on the customer's website, so that the visitors can buy and book tickets online.
The main features of this application are:
- buying tickets and accessories - there is full integration of these orders such as: having more types of tickets, other non-ticket products, adding discounts (percent or fixed amount), gift vouchers, adding passengers, invoices and reminders, pdf print for invoices and tickets, order reports, etc
- full management of flights - having more types of flights, adding and editing a flight, including income and expenses related to that flight, flight agenda with comments and locking certain dates, management of passengers, overweight, flight log, more types of flight reports, pilot log, crew log, print option for most of the reports, etc.
- booking tickets and confirming reservations, sending emails to customers based on email templates, grouping tickets to be booked at once.
- full ticket management, ticket history, ticket reports, tickets not paid, etc.
- financial reports for income, expenses and VAT. There are included various filters and print
- full communication with the passengers via email - automatic email templates for various actions (order status, booking, flight status, newsletter), setting patterns inside email, sending newsletter, log for the sent emails, etc
- management of staff, setting different access rights for each (admin, office, pilots, crew, sales agents) setting holidays/not available time
- management of balloons or aircrafts, including service/rest time, hours of flight, reports and print
- this application is also made to be sold to other customers (by the owner). So there is a special module for the management of other customers that are using the application. There is a section where to create and manage demo accounts for the customers who want to test the application, and another section for the customers with full subscription. For each customer there is a separate database, with its own settings and configuration. There are three types of subscription (basic, standard and premium) with different access to modules.
- there are also two modules that can be integrated on the customer's website: one for buying tickets and the second one for booking these tickets. There is a custom shopping cart, allowing different types of tickets, accessories (other products than tickets), discounts, one page checkout, online payment via PayPal. Both modules are linked to the main application via a sync script.
- the application is versatile, there are a lot of options that can be configured: vat, ticket number, ticket expiration, invoice number, company information, currency, language, stocks (yes/no), etc.
This application can be extended and adapted to all kind of businesses that offer services that include buying and booking tickets, or companies organizing paid courses and training. is a website that presents companies and the events from Switzerland. The website includes all the locations from Switzerland, it is available in German and English, there are search boxes based on keywords and locations, for both, companies and events. The users can add their companies and events. The user can opt for a paid premium account and more benefits are available. The website is made in PHP and MySQL.
The main features of this website are:
- high speed page loading. The CMS is custom, optimized for fast loading of the pages
- working with a large database. There are over 102,000 companies, over 210,000 events from over 2500 locations from Switzerland. The database is optimized for high speed response (SQL indexes, splitting the information, avoiding large tables, etc.)
- the pages are responsive (including the user account), the pages are valid HTML, all the SEO on site is made (METAs, URL SEO friendly, keywords inside text, etc)
- users can add companies and events in their account. For each one, they can add title, description, more information, photos, widgets. Also they can claim the ownership of an existing company or event.
- users can pay for a premium account which allows them to add videos, guides and catalogs, to be placed on top position in the search results, and they can also add a commercial banner of their own companies
- the admin can manage all the information from the website: he can validate and change all the information regarding the companies, the events, any message sent from the website, he can manage the categories and the locations/cities from Switzerland. Also he can manage and change any text or message from the website (name of the buttons, fields, messages from forms, error messages, content of the pages)
- the website supports multiple languages. The admin can manage all the messages in any language
- there is integration with Google Maps, firstly there is the map itself and placing the items on it - allowing zoom and location variants when searching, and secondly there is the geocoding tool which is used to find addresses from the user's input. This allows to find items at address level and close to that address.
This website presents ballooning events all over the world. The used CMS is custom, as is the template. The users can write reviews and also can manage ballooning events.
The main features of this website are:
- a powerfull user account. The users can vote for an event, can write reviews, can add/edit their events and they can also create groups of events (ex. same event in different years) and all the events from the group will share all the votes and reviews.
- the pages are responsive (including the user account), the pages are valid HTML, all the SEO on site is made (METAs, url SEO friendly, keywords inside text, etc)
- the admin can manage all the events from the website. Also he can manage all the text from the website (the text from pages, the text from forms, messages and errors, etc.)
- there is an mailing system, which can send automatic emails before and after the event, and also it allows to send custom emails to a group of events. For each type, the time of sending the email, can be set.
- it includes a basic management system of the ads from the right column. For every ad, except the ones from google, a report with the number of displays and number of clicks is available. and
This website presents the offer of a ballooning company. The user can buy products and services and can schedule a flight. The website is available in German and English, including the shopping cart. The template is custom.
The main features of this website:
- the website is loading fast, because of the custom CMS
- this website includes a custom shopping cart for buying services and products, it supports discounts (fixed amount, per order, or percentage value, for the selected products) and promotional codes. Also includes multilanguage support.
- the user can schedule a flight with the balloon based on the information from a booking application
- the admin can manage the orders, the bookings, all the pages and texts from the website.
- there is a powerful management system implemented for referrals and ads. Any user can contact the admin and can register as a referral. Then he can add a ballooning banner on his website. All the traffic coming from his website is recorded (how may users clicked the banner, how many returned on and how many bought services and products - cookie based, for 90 days). There are also reports (per referral, per ad, per period of time) that are sent to admin and also to the referral
- the website has a version made for desktop and another one for mobile devices. The mobile version is presented with a custom look. It looks similar and it can easily replace a mobile application. It has the same functionality as the desktop website.
This is a custom shopping cart, made for a large number of products, optimized for speed when loading the pages or searching. Currently the main website is closed.
The main features are:
- it can support tens of thousands of products. It will work fast, no matter the number of products. The database is simple and optimized for speed (SQL indexes, splitting the information, avoiding large tables, etc.)
- it supports categories and subcategories on three levels of imbrication
- it supports searches (also filters can be easily created) and discounts
- the products can be added with full presentation and specifications
- the user can see the order status and the shopping history in his account.
- the admin can manage all the products, the categories, all the pages and all the text and the messages from the website. The website can be easily adapted to support multiple languages.
- a minimum SEO on site has been implemented (url SEO friendly, META for products, HTML validation, keywords inside text, sitemap)
This website presents another ballooning company from Germany. The user can order tickets and also can book flights.
The main features of this website:
- the template is responsive; the customer's template has been used
- the website includes static pages, so the admin can easily modify the pages with minimum html knowledge
- the booking system is adapted for the booking application presented above
This website presents old cars events all over the world. The main features:
- Responsive layout, seo on site (friendly urls, valid html, etc)
- user account where the visitor can add and manage his own events
- admin account where the admin can edit and manage the events, the pages, the text and messages, the emails sent to users, etc., and
These are presentation websites with Admin. The main features:
- Editing pages from admin, for every language
- integration with the booking application the including flight prices, flight availability and booking a ticket
- ordering tickets, including online payment with Paypal and managing the orders from admin
This website presents a company, including it's products and services. A custom content management is implemented. This is a demo version.
- full admin with editing the pages,categories, products and services
- a simple editor has been implemented that allows to edit the product description and specifications
- multi-language support for pages, categories and products.